April 29, 2009

Missing Aunty Keiko

In the end of April, Gen and I were back in my hometown in Okayama. There Gen really loved to play with my sister, Keiko. On the day when we were going back to Tokyo, Gen suddenly kissed her while she was reading.
"Love you, my aunty."

We will be back in Okayama again, soon. Or we should invite Keiko to stay in Tokyo for a while.

April 15, 2009


One morning in April, we went to a nearby park.

Stairway to cherry blossom trees.

It's amazing that the park is only 10 minutes walk from our house.
Beautiful cherry blossoms with Perfect Sakura-Pink!

April 3, 2009

Trip to Enoshima, Mt. Fuji and Asamizo Park

In early April, Gen and I made a flower crown with a paper-plate. It took a little bit of time to color paper-plate green and dry it, but it was worth doing it. Gen realy enjoyed picking his favorite-colored flowers, checking how he looked in the mirror, and gave a big smile to himself.
Gen and I enjoyed a small trip to Enoshima Island together with Aryn&Rhyan, and Tomomi&Tomoya. We enjoyed Enoshima Aquarium and a nice stroll to Enoshima Island.

Koji and Gen really like to drive away to Mt. Fuji. They really enjoy their "boy's" time.

I took Gen to Asamizo Park, where a small petting zoo is available. Gen didn't really like guinea pigs, but loved this goat.