November 29, 2010


In Japan we express our thanks to the God when our children reach to the age of three, five and seven. Gen has become three years old this year, so we paid a visit to a shrine to be thankful for his healthy growth.

While the Shinto priest was doing the ceremony, I couldn't hold my tears because these three years have flashed back on my mind from the very beginning of my pregnancy, giving birth, first smile, first crawl, first step, first word,,,, and my husband felt the same. I saw him put a handkerchief on his eyes.

It was really a precious day.

October 25, 2010

Trip to Hawaii

In the middle of October, we had a great trip to Hawaii. We stayed at Honolulu for three days and spend the last ten days at Kona@Big Island, where we stayed at Sveta's house. Sveta is my very best friend in Hawaii, and we share a lot in common.

We enjoyed every moment in Hawaii, feeling the ocean breeze and the warmth of "Aloha" spirit.

The trip was totally amazing for Gen because he could experience so many "new"s and had so many great discoveries. He saw many sea creatures and got so excited.
He also learnt how beautiful to have such a great friend in Hawaii. Actually, Gen couldn't play nicely with Anya, but gradually found out sharing toys and sharing the joy were so precious and beautiful!

Sveta and Vasey took us to many beautiful places. This is one of them: Pololu Valey. We walked all the way down the beach, where we could feel the very smooth and silky black sand. It was amazing!

Ten days were just too short for us to enjoy Kona, and also to spend time with Sveta family. They will move to mainland, so this might have been the last chance to get together in Hawaii. That kind of feeling made me feel this trip too precious.
Words just cannot express how lucky I am to have got a chance to meet Sveta back in four years ago when we were living in Hawaii. My life is so blessed!!

July 12, 2010

How Old Are You?

Three Years Old!!

Happy Birthday, Gen!

Make a wish, and blow the candles!

...and eat as much as you want!

We Love You, Our Son!!

May 15, 2010

Children's Festival (Kodomonohi)

May 5th is Kodomonohi, or Childrens' Day in Japan. We put up a pole with flying carp on our yard or display a Gogatsu Doll in our house to celebrate our boy's healthy growth. (It's just opposite the Girls' Day on March 3rd.)
We went to see huge flying carp over Sagami River. The view was just so gorgeous!!
"Boys, Be Ambitious!!"

My parents, or Gen's grand parents in Okayama, sent us a beautiful Gogatsu Doll with samurai warrior helmet when Gen got one year old, so we display the doll during the Golden Week. Gen really loves to watch him, sitting strait in front of him.

On the day, we got a cake and let Gen have some yummy fun!

April 25, 2010

I love swings!

OK, Gen. Are you ready?
Yep, Dada!
Push, please!

Hooray! This is FUN!!
I Love Swings!

April 8, 2010

Train and Bus Museum at Kawasaki

On one warm spring day in April, Gen and I went to the Train and Bus Museum (電車とバスの博物館)in Kawasaki. Gen got so thrilled even on his way to the museum because he could find many other trains different from what he was used to see everyday.

No wonder he was just stunned by the huge showcase of trains demonstrating railways around Tokyo and Yokohama area. He kept standing there for about half an hour, while his mummy was checking e-mails through her mobile...!

Now he got a chance to drive a bus!
Finally he became a bunny conductor!
It was so perfect a day!

We would like to come back here again soon.

March 29, 2010

Nagano Trip 2010

We went for a trip to Yamanashi and Nagano
at the end of March.
Day 1--- It was raining on the first day,
but we went to an indoor swimming pool and spa.
This pool has waves!!
Gen really enjoyed a ball pool for little ones.

Day 2 --- The rain turned into snow when we got to Nagano.
The perfect day for snowboarding!

It was Gen's first time to try a sled.
After all he really liked it,
but he needed three hours to closely examine the snow...

This automatic walkway is soooo convenient!
I LOVE it! (and Gen LOVES it!)

The hotels we stayed were very nice and
we didn't worry about taking a 2 year-old boy.

Traveling with little children seems to be
getting easier than the past.
We had a nice sunshine on the last day.

Nagano is such a wonderful place for a great "getaway" from Tokyo.
It took only 2hr and a half by car,
and we have decided to go back there again soon!