October 25, 2010

Trip to Hawaii

In the middle of October, we had a great trip to Hawaii. We stayed at Honolulu for three days and spend the last ten days at Kona@Big Island, where we stayed at Sveta's house. Sveta is my very best friend in Hawaii, and we share a lot in common.

We enjoyed every moment in Hawaii, feeling the ocean breeze and the warmth of "Aloha" spirit.

The trip was totally amazing for Gen because he could experience so many "new"s and had so many great discoveries. He saw many sea creatures and got so excited.
He also learnt how beautiful to have such a great friend in Hawaii. Actually, Gen couldn't play nicely with Anya, but gradually found out sharing toys and sharing the joy were so precious and beautiful!

Sveta and Vasey took us to many beautiful places. This is one of them: Pololu Valey. We walked all the way down the beach, where we could feel the very smooth and silky black sand. It was amazing!

Ten days were just too short for us to enjoy Kona, and also to spend time with Sveta family. They will move to mainland, so this might have been the last chance to get together in Hawaii. That kind of feeling made me feel this trip too precious.
Words just cannot express how lucky I am to have got a chance to meet Sveta back in four years ago when we were living in Hawaii. My life is so blessed!!

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