December 18, 2008


After my husband left for Germany, Gen started to look flushed. I was so worried because my husband wouldn't be back for about a week. Gen started to look worn out, and I took his temperature. Gosh, 38.8 degrees! It was too late to take him to the doctor's, but I was ready to take him to an emergency. After all, he slept all night, so I took him to the doc's in the next morning. That was a very tough and long night for me.

Gen is usually very lively, cheerful and active, but he looked so worn out during the five days when his fever went on. It was really long and tough days for me. I stayed close to him, feeding him (luckily he could eat and drink well), reading his favorite books, singing to him, and watching his favorite DVDs together. After the fever was gone, he regained his guts to do his usual "work."

Gen is now doing so fine, and I truly thank for his being healthy and lively. I should be careful not to let him catch a cold again.

By the way, HIB vaccination was not officially approved in Japan, but recently the Japanese government approved it, and the shots came to be gradually available in Japan. The number of them is very limited, so I asked a nearby hospital to put Gen in a waiting list. I hope he will get the shot soon.

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